
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Winters are here! How to take care of your beauty in winters

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

In this weather the more water you drink, the better nourished and glowingyour skin will look. Balanced diet is extremely important for taking care of the skin in any weather. Use of a good toner is beneficial in winters because it helps keep the facial skin tone even.

How beautiful your skin is actually depicts your real beauty. That’s why every woman wishes that her skin should look healthy and glowing. Because our skin is the most sensitive part of our body, it therefore requires special attention for its care in every season. It becomes dry in winters that are why it is important to look after it in this season. Here are some suggestions presented below which if applied practically, your skin will start glowing this winter and you will cherish its good health. In winters the facial skin also gets dry so try to avoid washing the face with soap particularly and try using some face wash because soap absorbs all the moisture and oil from the skin. Regardless of the weather, one should definitely do cleansing of the face twice monthly. Especially when you go shopping to market place always remember to cleanse your face once you’re back. There’s no doubt that sitting in the sun is good in winters, but to sit in a way that you directly face the sun in still bad for you, even if its winters. To keep your skin from getting dry in winters it is essential to adequately and regularly moisturize your skin with creams and lotions and don’t forget to apply a god cream to your hands and feet too in addition to the face. Women with extremely dry skin should use petroleum jelly instead so that it does not get cracked up due to dryness. Also use a good quality lip balm to keep the lips from drying up.

Do not use those skin products which are pinkish in color because the pink colored products have chemicals in them which are harmful for the skin. That’s why it is advisable to always use white or transparent creams, lotions and oil. You should try to stick to household tips first of all for skin health and use market products and creams minimally. But if at all one has to use them due to some genuine problem, always use the product by some reliable brand and avoid buying products of any brand which is not registered. Other than this never use any other medicated products without the prescription from a doctor. Always massage your face in the right direction and way and lightly. Massaging your facial skin in different directions make your face wrinkled earlier than it should. No matter how cold the weather gets, avoid washing your face with hot water and wash it with lukewarm water only. It is always good to take steam after cleansing your face, but it is especially soothing to take steam in winters. Before applying bleach cream to your face, add a little soothing lotion to it so that it is less irritating. Also, never wash your face after taking off the bleach cream because the burning sensation doubles this way and red patches can form. Whenever you do party makeup try to wash it off as soon as possible after you reach home.

Don’t eat too much of oily and spicy foods in winters because they are a cause of pimples and boils on the face. Protection of skin with water is of no lesser importance in any weather/season. Hence, do not reduce the water intake in winters and drink sufficient water so that your skin can look fresh and glowing. Balanced diet is important for the protection of skin in any weather. Using a good toner in winters is very beneficial because it keeps the skin tone even. For good skin drink milk regularly because it contains proteins which are also very good for your hair. (Urwa, Islamabad)

Amazing Natural Cleaner:

Mix olive oil and white vinegar and pour it in a spray bottle. This is the best cleaner which can be used to clean any sort of surface.

Make a cleaner at home:

To clean sheeshum wood, take equal quantities of water and white vinegar. If you are washing the windows for the first time, then add two drops of any liquid dishwasher like Lemon Max etc. This way the glass will not have any marks on it. In white vinegar add 1/3rd the amount of hydrogen peroxide and pour it in the spray bottle. This cleaner can be used to clean kitchen counter tops and other kitchen items like kitchen tiles etc.

To open up blocked pipes:Add ½ a cup of baking soda in the blocked pipe. Next add 1 cup of white vinegar in it and when you see no more froth being formed, add hot boiling water in the pipe. Repeat this once weekly or fortnightly. One, the pipes will not get blocked. Also, you will get rid of the obnoxious smell as well forever. A specific quality of white vinegar is that it has an amazing ability to clean wash basin, kitchen sink, floor and other things like counter tops, tiles, and glass. In terms of cleanliness it has excellent results. So, instead of you using chemical products for cleaning, make a cleaner at home which is made from natural products, and are not harmful to health like their counterpart chemical detergents, whose ingredients and smell both have extremely adverse effects on our health. Their smells cause asthma, and other respiratory and dermatological illnesses. White vinegar, salt, baking soda and olive oil are also great for cleaning and do not have any side effects at all. (M.A, Lahore)

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